by Stina Isabel Gavrilin
Just when you thought it was getting a bit too quiet in hell... G.G.F.H., the industrial horror outfit originally from Oakland, California returned in the full form of Ghost and Brian J. Walls with a brand new single earlier this year. We had the chance to catch up with Ghost to talk about the past, present and future of the world & the band, as well as his new solo project. BFTV proudly presents...
Guys, couldn’t have picked a more fitting time to come back to life! It’s been almost 30 years since G.G.F.H. became a solo project once again, what finally convinced Brian to return?
One day, we were talking, and I just asked him. I had recently started making beats after an 18-year break and was also working on vox for a Distruster song. We are in different stages of life now and geographical locations — he's in Hawaii, and I'm in North Idaho — Despite the distance, we started working remotely on some new songs. Releasing our first single in 30 years, "Reliks", took some time, especially since he's raising a young son mostly on his own, limiting his availability. We're hoping to get enough songs to release an LP together, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, I'm also focusing on a solo project under the name SVINTS, with new material expected soon.
Do you find there’s more to be creatively inspired by in the world today... compared to, say, the times of Eclipse or Serrated Smile?
Well, it's just as fucked up, or maybe even more than we predicted it would be... So yes, there is more than ever to inspire GGFH. Those records served as a transtemporal projection, a haunting glimpse into the future we now inhabit — a world in decay. It's a landscape where governments engineer pandemics and media fabricate wars, while oligarchs and billionaires continue to ravage the planet... yet still we sit blindly, watching our own deaths on the computer screens… Finding ourselves increasingly detached, consumed by a virtual reality that mirrors our collective downfall.
The subject matter of “Reliks” revolves around the evils of technology. What’s your stance on the debates surrounding AI taking over art?
Regarding AI-created art, I don't see any inherent issue with it. As a graphic artist, I view AI as simply another tool, like Photoshop or any other creative software. If you're an artist, you'll always create your art whether or not AI is also producing it. I've been using programs like Midjourney since they first came out, and witnessing its advances has been pretty amazing. However, when it comes to AI autonomous weapon systems, drones, surveillance technologies, and Musk's brain chip, it's reminiscent of scenes straight out of a Terminator movie. This dichotomy is what "Reliks" seeks to convey: have humans crossed a line with technology? Are we entering realms where the potential consequences outweigh the benefits?
With digital algorithms now acting as a form of law enforcement and bringing a heightened sense of caution into creative expression, have you felt the need to censor yourselves more?
Never censored our sounds.. never will.. if the Instagram and Facebook algorithms try to delete us… so be it.
You’ve received some pretty nasty shit in the mail from the fans over the years. Have you ever had to face anyone who actually posed a real danger to you, some real sick people among fans?
Luckily, no... I'd say the infamous story of someone leaving a dead cat in a paper bag on my porch with 'for GGFH' written on the bag was the topper. That incident capped off an era when sharing cassettes and 'other' things with an underground community was the norm. Using white glue over stamps so they could be washed off and reused — a testament to those unforgettable times. How I long for those days now!

G.G.F.H. in the early 90s...
It’s great to see G.G.F.H. have remained absolute cult darlings globally even after so many years of staying in the shadows. The bond has seemed especially strong with fans of extreme metal, but have you noticed any broadening in the fanbase scene wise in recent years?
I don’t think the fan base has increased very much after all these years... probably just a bunch of sick old men at this point. I would think the extreme metal fans come from being on Peaceville. I’m working with some younger musicians, like Distruster, to make new stuff under my SVINTS projekt.. so hopefully we can connect with a new crowd. But really, I'm making new songs for myself and really enjoying the process after 20 years of silence.
Regarding new material... Besides the persistent influence of industrial and techno, what kind of sounds have you been letting in these days? What kind of music have you been listening to?
I enjoy a mix of electronic genres — synthwave, darkwave, electro, noise, and vintage industrial. Lately, I've been exploring more black metal sounds too; I'd love to blend those with industrial. Recently, I had the opportunity to contribute vocals to a remix for Anaal Nathrakh, and experimenting with metal-style vocals was really enjoyable.
Are you looking to get a recording contract for future releases or sticking to self-releasing?
Well, first, we have to get an LP done, but I'm assuming it will be self-released. Not sure we're a big money-making machine that a label would want to sign. It's looking like the SVINTS stuff will most likely be done first, as I'm in the home studio every day.
Why... is there a label out there interested in either projekt? lol
Now that the extremely sought-after vinyl reissue of Disease is out there – have there been any other re-releases in talks with Peaceville?
All our original masters are owned by Peaceville, as we signed them away at a young and naive age. However, it's undeniable that those records played a crucial role in building our Underground cvlt following. Whether or not they choose to release anything else is entirely up to them. Ultimately, like many decisions in the music industry, it often boils down to money in the long run.
And finally... are there any live shows or even a whole tour on the cards?
Sadly, at this point, no. We are not in a position to travel and leave our responsibilities. Hopefully, what we can give everyone is some new disturbing tunes and videos to go along with them. Please check out “Reliks” streaming everywhere and available on our Bandcamp: ggfh.bandcamp.com and video available on our YouTube: @ggfhofficial
Instagram: @ggfh_official @s.vi.nts
Facebook: Facebook.com/ggfhofficial