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Long before our Common Era, in a dimension where counting time didn’t start with Jesus because he was never born – more precisely at the end of last century, when electronic dance music parties both above and below ground finally started making waves also in post-Soviet Estonia. Anders had just started as a DJ playing music under the moniker 4-got-10 (derived from the band name Forgotten Sunrise), but there were very few outlets for such music. He went to a  local pioneer and organizer of fine parties, Aivar Tõnso, and wished to play at his parties. Aivar however, didn’t see a place for such music at his parties and said, “Make your own party, then you can play.” Anders happened to talk about it with his old friend Margus aka Lemmy and it turned out that Lemmy, with his other pal Margus Lõvi, had just started to stand for this operation as program manager at the first internet café in Estonia. Kicking off the fresh idea seemed tempting to everyone. It happened that the first Beats From The Vault took place in July 1998 in the heart of Tallinn, in the basement café Enter underneath an art university at the time. This was followed by a couple of parties under the name In The Steel Room. 

On New Year’s Eve preceding 2000, something grave happened. Namely, Lemmy left us in physical form forever. A couple years of silence followed. In the year 2002, Anders and Aivar Meos (Estonian goth guru and boss of the record store World Clinic) had the idea of doing a party, and why not do it under the BFTV name because that’s where it all started. The party took place in the Depeche Mode bar located Tallinn’s old town, in the dance room named Zombie. This also remained more of an experiment. It was not until 2003 that an internet forum had been created for local goth and industrial music enthusiasts and its instigator Sergei aka Sotsirh decided to speak to Anders about arranging a public party. Anders was skeptical, but Sergei said that he already has plenty of friends who would attend, and the idea to connect these groups seemed promising. As unbelievable as it sounds, ever since that party to this day Beats From The Vault has taken place regularly every other month without exceptions. Besides the regular parties, there have been BFTV events in other cities, and tens if not hundreds of live performances have been presented, also the festival Body Machine Body has been made from time to time. In addition, a radio show dedicated to dark music, “Röntgen”, has been on the air of Raadio 2 since 2007.

Ever since the year 2019, BFTV has taken place in Hall, the techno mecca of Tallinn. We couldn’t ask for a better home!



Kunagi enne meie ajaarvamist, dimensioonis, kus Jeesuse järgi ei hakatudki aega arvama, sest teda ei sündinudki -  täpsemalt käib jutt eelmise sajandi lõpust, siis kui viimaks olid ka post-Soviet Eestis hakanud elektroonilise tantsumuusika peod nii maa all kui maa peal laineid lööma. Anders oli just alustanud DJ’na nime all 4-got-10 (tuletatud bändinimest Forgotten Sunrise) muusika mängimist, aga väljundeid sellisele muusikale oli väga vähe. Ta läks kohaliku pioneeri ja väärt pidude korraldaja Aivar Tõnso juurde ning soovis saada tema pidudele mängima. Aivar aga ei näinud ka oma pidudel sellisele muusikale kohta ning ütles: “Tee oma pidu, siis saad mängida.” Anders sattus sellest oma vana sõbra Marguse aka Lemmy’ga rääkima ning selgus, et Lemmy oli oma teise semu Margus Lõviga just Eesti esimeses internetikohvikus selle tegevuse eest programmijuhina seisma asunud. Värske idee uues kohas käima tõmmata tundus ahvatlev kõigile. Mõeldud - tehtud, juulis 1998 toimus esimene Beats From The Vault Tallinna südames tolleaegse kunstiülikooli all asuvas keldrikohvikus Enter. Sellele järgnes paar pidu nime all In The Steel Room.

Uusaastaööl vastu aastat 2000 juhtus aga midagi ränka. Nimelt lahkus meie hulgast Lemmy füüsilisel kujul igaveseks. Järgnes paar aastat vaikust. Aastal 2002 tekkis Andersil ja Aivar Meosel (Eesti gooti guru  ja plaadipoe World Clinic boss) mõte pidu teha ja miks mitte BFTV nime all, sest sealt kõik algas. Pidu toimus Tallina vanalinnas asuvas Depeche Mode’I baari tantsuruumis nimega Zombie. Ka see jäi pigem katsetuseks. Alles 2003. aastal kui Eestisse oli loodud kohalik gooti ja industriaalmuusika huviliste internetifoorum ning selle eestvedaja Sergei aka Sotsirh otsustas Andersiga rääkida avaliku peo korraldamise teemal. Anders oli skeptiline, aga Sergei ütles, et tal on juba omajagu sõpru, kes tuleks, ning mõte ühendada need seltskonnad tundus lubav. Nii uskumatu, kui see ka pole, siis alates sellest peost ongi ilma eranditeta Beats From The Vault toimunud tänaseni regulaarselt igal teisel kuul. Regulaarpidudele lisaks on toimunud BFTV üritusi ka teistel linnades ning on presenteeritud kümneid kui mitte sadu live esinemisi ning aeg-ajalt tehtud festivali Body Machine Body. Lisaks on veel aastast 2007 eetris Raadio 2 sagedustel tumemuusikale pühendatud raadiosaade Röntgen.

Alates aastast 2019 toimub BFTV Tallinna techno mekas Hall. Paremat kodu on raske tahta!

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