Details / event: your eyes peeled for lots of exciting news coming very soon...
20:00-00:00 NEAR EARTH EXPERIENCE w/ Forgotten Sunrise, Vilkduja (LT), Underville - live
☣ Krematoorium
00:00-01:00 Numbskull
01:00-02:00 Dirt Vessel
02:00-03:00 Antibody - live
03:00-04:00 4-got-10
04:00-05:00 Sugar Rody
05:00-06:00 Sidenoise
06:00-07:00 Tamhiis
07:00-08:00 4-got-10
☣ Kabel
00:30-01:30 Sugar Rody
01:30-02:30 The Lunacy Of Flowers (DJ-set)
02:30-03:30 Dirt Vessel
03:30-04:30 Tamhiis
04:30-05:30 Povilas Voe
05:30-06:30 Numbskull
06:30-07:30 The Lunacy Of Flowers (DJ-set)